Sunday, March 9, 2008

Voice for Animals attacks shriners

March 9/2008--Once again Voice for Animals was protesting outside the Rexall Place where the Shrine Circus was being held. Not happy with only protesting the one day, they just had to come back and protest the second day as well.

The Shrine Circus is a charity event held once a year to help raise funds for the Shriners Children's Hospital. Way to go Voice for animals, you are protesting against a good group of people (Shriner's) trying to raise funds to help out sick children. Can Voice for animals stoop any lower then this?? In Voice for animals eagerness to force feed us more of their propaganda, they forgot to look at who they were protesting against.

Now why can't they go and protest the big oil companies who earn lots of profit rather then a children's hospital??


Anonymous said...

The money doesn't even go to the childrens hospital.

The Edmonton Sun
Mon 17 Mar 2003
Page: 10
Section: Editorial/Opinion
Column: Editorial

It's painfully obvious that Edmonton city council has lost sight of its
purpose and its relevance. No better example of that was the needless and
unnecessary debate about banning circuses that featured so-called "wild" animal acts.

The anti-circus crowd on city council eventually failed to garner majority
support and the threat to the circus passed.

But not before councillors and Edmontonians generally were left with some very vivid and compelling reasons why the show must go on.

The most compelling came from statements made during a council hearing by members of the Edmonton Shrine Temple, the service group that traditionally has sponsored the circus.

Unless they dug really deep, many members of council were left with the distinct impression that the $130,000 or so raised each year at the gate went to the extremely worthy cause of sick children.

It was a notion that the local Shriners also left in their radio ads.

It was also a rather confusing message. Because other than for a few rare and extremely specialized medical procedures, Alberta offers excellent and cutting-edge health services for children. And it's all free of charge.

There are no major health-care facilities in the province that are either owned or sponsored by the Shrine organization.

And after some digging at this newspaper, a high-ranking local Shriner confessed to The Sun that none of the profit from the circus was going to Shriners hospitals.

Instead, the entire sum was used for club administration, with some going to buy jerseys for youth soccer teams and other youth sports sponsorships.

Those are worthy causes, no doubt.

If the club members would have been upfront about it going in, we suspect that still would have been good enough to hold the anti-circus forces on council at bay. Except the Shriners weren't exactly upfront about it and some councillors have been feeling burned.

As the Shriners' past potentate Doug Grant admitted, "We get members out talking and they bring things up and sometimes they're not totally true statements."

Well, they should have been.

Because those who oppose circuses have not gone away.

And next time around, their arguments will only become more compelling and

Others who supported the Shriners' cause, including this newspaper, will be equally as reluctant to support them when the circus ban rears its shaggy mane at city council again, which it almost certainly will.

The Edmonton Shriners have a lot of explaining to do.

albertaboy said...

One Edmonton City Councillor accused the activists (voice for animals) of engaging in "misleading propaganda."

I guess that says it all/

Unknown said...
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