Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Calgary Animal Rights Group

The Calgary Animal Rights Group held a series of protests against the Shrine Circus in May 2008. Animal rights extremists believe that no animals should be used for entertainment purposes. As always the protestors were confined to the sidewalk and not allowed to step on private property. Turnout was the usual 6 or 7. This protest did have some comic value however. One of the protestors got a little mouthy with security and was promptly wrestled to the ground and hand cuffed. The animal rights extremists over reacted (as they always seem too), phoned an ambulance and then the police. The hand cuffed protestor was released and no charges were laid. The ambulance then left as no one was hurt.

Do you think that this is the end of the story. No way!! One of the Shrine Circus people came out to the sidewalk and told the extremists that all the animals got held up at the border. They made fools of themselves one more time for nothing. Someone had forgot to tell these morons that there was no animals present at the circus. I am not making this up folks. This is a true story.
