Friday, March 21, 2008

No Animal was harmed during the writing of this blog

Whenever I visit the Voice for animals website, I often wonder how much damage do they cause to the animals they believe their helping out. They make themselves out to be people running on the last 3 working brain cells. Instead of preaching to us meat eating heathens to but down our forks and pick up the tofu, why don't they spend some quality time actually helping out.

Alberta is in desperate need of cat shelters. Though there is no way of getting an accurate count of how many stray cats their are in the province, but no doubt it's in the 10's of thousands. Voice for Animals would be much more respected if it opened a no-kill cat shelter. It's a service that is desperately needed. Instead, Voice for Animals wants to outlaw fishing and hunting.

A education program geared towards children explaining the value of spaying and neutering our pets would just be wonderful. Instead, Voice for Animals wants the kids to stop drinking milk.

What about bringing in pets for the children in the local hospitals? Another very worthy and honorable cause. Instead, Voice for Animals attacks the Shriners Hospitals for sick Children. Now who is really sick??

There are so many ways a group like Voice for Animals could help out in the province. Voice for Animals could use a big injection of humanity, or perhaps compassion. In their zeal to promote extremists views, they seem to forget that we are all human. (or do they really care??)

It's such a pity that Voice for Animals chooses to follow the "dark side of the force" voice for animals takes care of themselves and not any animals.


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Voice for Animals attacks shriners

March 9/2008--Once again Voice for Animals was protesting outside the Rexall Place where the Shrine Circus was being held. Not happy with only protesting the one day, they just had to come back and protest the second day as well.

The Shrine Circus is a charity event held once a year to help raise funds for the Shriners Children's Hospital. Way to go Voice for animals, you are protesting against a good group of people (Shriner's) trying to raise funds to help out sick children. Can Voice for animals stoop any lower then this?? In Voice for animals eagerness to force feed us more of their propaganda, they forgot to look at who they were protesting against.

Now why can't they go and protest the big oil companies who earn lots of profit rather then a children's hospital??